•Please note the offer can take up to 72 hours after you register to appear on your McDonald's app account.
•If you already have an account on the McDonald's app with your personal email then you can sign out of this account and register a new account with your NHS email address.
Verifying your NHS email in the McDonald's app:
•Firstly sign out of the McDonald's app account registered to your personal email, to do this select 'more', then profile and then log out.
•As a security step, part of the registration process requires you to click on a link that we will send to your NHS email account. This link must be clicked on the same device as you have the App installed. If you are not set up to access your NHS email account from the smartphone that you are using our App on, simply forward the verification email (preferably as an attachment in a new email) from your NHS account to an account that you can access on that smartphone and click on the link from there.